Monday, November 17, 2008


Oh, boy! I found a really fun online game site that is free and a ton of fun! Here is a link to register if you are interested in checking it out: If you sign up, please state that I referred you and that way I can earn some referral points, which I would greatly appreciate. But this site lets you play for online gift certificates and each day you log in, you get 200 free spins per day. You could actually sign up for a membership to earn more spins and points, etc. but you really don't have to. So far I have only played the slots and the jewels games. I really love the slots since I love playing those in the casinos. What is cool is that you can trade your items on your spin with others playing in the same "room" as you and help each other reach higher points. It sounds a little confusing, but it is easy and the players are pretty friendly. It even allows you to chat with other players while you play. You should try it! It's free and a lot of fun...nothing wrong with that, right?! :)


Becca said...

Thanks, I will check it out!

PWHiltz said...

Hello Wifey... hope you find this comment and I hope that you are enjoying the Holidays. It's so nice to be home. I love you!!!

deb famularo said...

Hi, Anita right? I wanted to thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog!I appreciate that very much!! Have a great weekend! xOxO deb

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting my blog :) Good luck in the drawing!!