Monday, November 17, 2008

Baby, it's cold outside!

Whew! Winter is definitely knocking on door here in Michigan! LOL! It has been pretty cold lately and even snowed the past couple days! Nothing that really amounts to a lot, mostly a dusting. Elizabeth keeps asking if she can go out and build a snowman, but we keep telling her that there isn't enough snow to make one! Hee hee hee! Poor girl is dying to build one!

Halloween was fabulous this year! The weather was gorgeous and there was no rain, which is the most important factor! I think the temp. was in the 60's! My nephew Matthew came over to join the kids trick or treating and I was the one to walk them around the neighborhood, which is a ton of fun! :) Perry loves to dress up himself in a scary costume and decorate the yard in a creepy scary fashion to scare all the poor kids brave enough to come up to our house. We actually get quite a lot of kids and we go through at least $50 worth of candy!

I invited my Mom and two sisters over to our house this year to sit out on our swing and watch all the kids come up trick or treating to our house. The weather was gorgeous for them and they really enjoyed watching the show Perry puts on. LOL! I will have to post a picture for you to see what I am referring to. Daniel dressed up as Davy Jones, James as Jason and Elizabeth was Cinderella. Matthew was a Rambo Hunter Dude. They all collected quite a bit of candy and those pillowcases were heavy to carry! It was a great evening!

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