Monday, September 28, 2015

The Gothic Room's famous stained glass window from the S.S. City of Detroit III located now in the Dossin Great Lakes Museum on Belle Isle in Detroit, MI.

This stained glass window depicting LaSalle, greets visitors as they enter the Dossin Great Lakes Museum. The window is taken from the lounge of Great Lakes cruise ship S.S. City of Detroit III. This ship, when it was launched in 1911, was the was largest sidewheeler in the world. One of the rooms was an opulent smoking room called the "Gothic Room", named for its Gothic architecture design. It was built from English oak and included this stained glass window. The City of Detroit III was taken out service in 1950. The City of Detroit III‍ '​s "Gothic Room" was disassembled and re-erected in a barn near Cleveland, Ohio for ten years before it was once again taken down and then partially reassembled and restored at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum on Belle Isle in Detroit.

Photography Prints

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